The Importance of Rest and Recovery


Standard thinking used to tell us that we had to push ourselves relentlessly to be in good shape.

But thankfully we’ve evolved from that, and we know better now.

Rest and recovery are essential to living a truly healthy lifestyle. We all need downtime to recharge and come back stronger than ever.

This is where active rest comes in.

Now, it’s not as contradictory as it might seem. 

Active rest simply means incorporating lighter, gentler activities into your routine on rest days, instead of going full steam ahead with high-intensity workouts.

That could mean going for a walk, practicing gentle yoga, or taking a relaxing swim. These activities keep you moving without too much strain.

What we’re looking for is the right balance and the perfect harmony, to optimize our life. Your central nervous system will love you for it ;)

So, let go of that old notion about non-stop intensity being the only way to go. Embrace the power of rest and recovery as essential pillars of a healthy lifestyle.

So I encourage you to take some time to contemplate:

  1. How do you prioritize rest and recovery in your daily life?
  2. Consider moments when you’ve allowed yourself to fully recharge and rejuvenate. How did this impact your overall well-being and productivity?
  3. In what ways do you recognize the importance of rest and recovery in maintaining a healthy balance in your life, and how do you ensure you give yourself the time and space for it?

Take them out into your world and let their answers reveal themselves to you.

Intend for deeper levels of clarity and allow yourself space to be an observer to what comes up.

To your health and well-being,
Sharon ~ Your No-Nonsense Holistic Women’s Wellness Coach

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