Are You Driven by a Need for Certainty? (You’re Not Alone!)


This is the first of a four-part series focusing on the 6 Human Needs as defined by the famous motivational speaker Tony Robbins. Today we’ll focus on the common need for certainty – as well as the flip side, the need for uncertainty (aka variety and spontaneity).

Do you ever wonder why you are the way you are? Why you want what you want? Why you get frustrated or upset by certain things that don’t seem to bother most people?

I believe it’s because you’re human, if we want to get right down to it!

And it’s good to take a look inside ourselves. “The unexamined life is not worth living,” as Socrates said.

Tony Robbins, the self-improvement guru and author, promotes the concept of 6 Human Needs.

No. 1 on his list is certainty, “assurance that you can avoid pain and gain pleasure,” he writes.

This might be the most common need, but it can be detrimental when trying to create a fulfilling life. As Tony puts it, “In order to live a life filled with certainty, your life has to stay the same – a nearly impossible expectation to fulfill.”

People who crave certainty more than anything enjoy planning and tend to be organized but are hesitant about taking risks and trying new things. Too much certainty can lead to obsessive behaviors and even addictions.

The counterpart is uncertainty/variety, which Tony defines as “the need for the unknown, change, new stimuli.”

Here, we see outgoing people who like new experiences and are interested in a range of things. But too much uncertainty can lead to unfocused behavior and poor planning, disrupting things just for the desire to experience yet more change.

What do you think? Are you compelled more by certainty or uncertainty?

I believe a balance between the two is necessary, but I give the edge to uncertainty every time. That’s where we find the daring within ourselves to go on new adventures, to push ourselves to build our dreams, and to feel the exhilaration of living.

Nothing stays the same. That is the nature of life. And I believe when you allow yourself to embrace the nature of change, I’m certain you can make it work for you.

I encourage you to take some time with these questions. Take them out into your world and let their answers reveal themselves to you.

Intend for deeper levels of clarity about your relationship with certainty, uncertainty and change; and allow yourself space to be an observer to what comes up, like a person looking in and removing self-judgement.

To your health and happiness!
Your No-Nonsense Holistic Women’s Wellness Coach

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